
Also listen at Soundcloud

For music theater projects with Vårdnässpelen, see

For projects with Dråpera, see

My YouTube channel


EARTH (2023). Framförd av Viva Vocal Ensemble.

Utdrag ur Voices(2023). Framförd av Marta Cardona, Barcelona 2023.

Solo piece for peace, please(2019), på Geiger Marsfest 2021.

I vind, vatten och väntan(2020) start listen at 22:25

Encapsulated; embodied II(2019), performed by Anna-Sara Åberg – mezzo soprano, Sara Sjödahl – piano and Ebba Westerberg – percussion at Atalante 9/3 2019. (from 00:00- 20:00. Then Tsutsu II by Rei Munakata takes place)

Don’t say a word(2018), performed by GGR Betong and Lindha Kallerdal, 2018-09-14. Start video at 08:35!